Authorities Are Struggling To Halt A Devastating Termite Invasions In Asia
Termites may cause billions of dollars in damages within the United States each year, but the country of China is home to some of the most destructive termite species in existence. Destructive termites have been described in several ancient Chinese texts that date back three thousand years. Despite China’s long history of dealing with termite pests, research into termites did not take off in the country until the mid twentieth century. Starting in the 1950s, the Entomological Institute of Academica Sinica in China began to create multiple organizations for the study of termites and termite control methods. During this time, termite control professionals established themselves in various cities and towns throughout China. During the past thirty years, Chinese researchers have contributed significantly to the advancement of termite control methods. However, aggressive termites are currently invading several Chinese cities, and pest control authorities are struggling to halt their advancement.
Pest control professionals in China are warning citizens about the annual increase in termite activity that comes with the region’s plum rain season. Termites thrive in hot and damp conditions, making several Chinese homeowners nervous during the country’s rainy season. Old wooden houses are a common sight in residential areas of China. These types of homes are obviously ideal targets for hungry termites. According to one pest control professional in the country, a second wave invasion of swarming termites will become apparent to Chinese citizens soon. The Termite Control Center in Xuhui District has already received one hundred and twenty pest control requests from the public in less than a month. This number is actually less than last year’s figure, but experts are certain that more termite invasions will occur in the coming weeks. Authorities are heeding these expert warnings by applying termite control measures to the areas of China that sustained the greatest amounts of termite damage. Researchers are taking advantage of the current termite invasions by testing experimental termite control methods. Professionals are also using recently developed technology in order to track termite nests. Despite the current termite-induced destruction in the country, officials with the government are pleased to say that termite destruction is decreasing with each passing year in China. This gradual decrease in termite activity serves as a testament to the effectiveness of China’s termite control programs.
Do you think that advancements in pest control technology should be shared with countries that see large amounts of termite pest activity?