There are plenty of spider species in the US that can infest your home, but most of them are harmless. Of course, we don’t want any of them in, but two in particular can be dangerous – the black widow and the brown recluse.
The black widow
The black widow is one of the most famous spider species out there. The female black widow is about half of an inch in length, shiny black in coloration, and with a red hourglass pattern on its abdomen. The good news is that the black widow is a timid spider, and will only bite if it feels threatened. The bad news is that the bite releases a nerve toxin with rapid onset, and the spider can feel threatened when you reach into an area where it is hidden or when you lift an object and reveal it. A bite will require medical attention.
The brown recluse
The brown recluse does not stand out as much as the black widow and it is often confused with other species. It has a dark cream to dark brown coloration, with a violin-shaped marking near its head. The brown recluse is a nocturnal spider, usually hiding in dark, concealed places during the day. It is also a shy species that prefers retreat to confrontation. However bites usually occur when someone invades their space by accident and corners the spider, or while sleeping and rolling over the spider. The bite of the brown recluse also requires medical attention.
Controlling the black widow and brown recluse
Because these two species can be dangerous, it is recommended that pest control is performed by a specialist in the case of an infestation. The specialist will search for the spiders in cracks, corners and dark, hidden areas of the home, usually in closets, behind furniture, crawl spaces, attics and basements. Glue traps may also be used in areas that are prone to spider infestations. The specialist will then move on to insecticides. Some insecticides are more effective than others, with spiders being able to resist a lot of the commercial options out there. In the case where dusts are used instead of sprays, the pest control professional will lay a barely visible layer, otherwise the spiders will avoid the area. If you currently suspect that you have a dangerous spider infestation, contact us right away.
Tags: Spider Control, Spider exterminator