
The First Museum That Focuses Solely On Insects Has Recently Opened In A Country Crawling With Bugs

The First Museum That Focuses Solely On Insects Has Recently Opened In A Country Crawling With Bugs

In the country of India, insects and spiders are part of everyday life for many villagers. Among there are many insect related problems in the country, it could be said that termites cause the greatest degree of inconvenience. A few months back an entire village became infested with termites, which caused all of the inhabitants to abandon their homes and the entire town. If you live or even visit India, it is essential that you possess an understanding of the country’s native and non-native insect species. Perhaps this was the idea behind India’s very first museum dedicated to insects.

There are currently seventy five thousand insect species known to man. Among this seventy five thousand, thirty eight percent are beetles. Beetles have long been considered the most dominant form of insect. India has six percent insect diversity, which is a relatively high amount for one single region. Despite the fact that many modern people consider insects to be undesirable and creepy creatures, past civilizations did not see it this way. For example, ancient Egypt contained an enormous temple solely for worshipping the dung beetle. Also, in 1919, Americans in Alabama created a statue in honor of the boll weevil insect. There are plenty more examples of seemingly ludicrous insect worship sites around the world, and you can learn all about them at the Insect Museum at Tamil Nadu Agricultural University.

Obviously India is a big country by area, and even bigger when considering the population size. Well over one billion people live in India, and given the country’s rich history, several museums can be found in the country. Although many museums in India contain sections that are dedicated to insects. The new museum is fully dedicated to insects and nothing else. The university museum contains five different sections that each focus on one particular topic. These five topics include: insect diversity, insect biology, beneficial insects, insects and plants and cultural entomology. The museum took four years to complete and it holds over twenty thousand insects from fifty different species.

If you were in India would you visit this new Entomology museum, or would a fear of bugs keep you away?




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