We all think the prime termite season is when we see termites appear in swarms. However, termites have no specific season and cause damage at any time of the year, regardless of the weather.
That said, termites may double in numbers in a specific season. The time of spring or early summer (April to May) is known as the swarming time of termites. It is the best time for this pest to announce its arrival in your house or your workplace. And to stay protected, you must be completely aware of every fact about termites and methods to prevent as well as to get rid of them.
Moreover, the swarming season for different termite species takes place in different months. While it is winter for all termites, the subterranean termites swarm during spring and summer, and the drywood termites swarm during the late summer months.
Different Species:
Having termites of any type can be a nightmare for anyone but there are some types of termites which you will pray that they never come in front of you otherwise it might be possible that they make you pay in billions. The two main types of termites are dry wood termites and subterranean termites.
They both are dangerous for your pocket and property in their ways.
- Drywood termites: These are different from subterranean termites because they live inside the wooden structure they infest and do not make their colony in the ground.
- Subterranean termites: Unlike Drywood termites, they build their colonies inside the ground and travel to the place of their food or the place they infest, and then go back to their colony. They are mainly responsible for doing the structural damage.
How do termites enter houses?
They are sly critters and can sneak in through various access points such as:
- Vents
- Steps
- Ramps
- Downpipes
- Utility Boxes
- Cracked mortar
- Porches/alfresco areas
Signs of Infestation
- Cracks or holes in wooden structures.
- Mud tubes on the exterior of wooden structures or homes.
- Swarms on or near wooden structures.
- Blisters in wood flooring
- Termite droppings
How to Prevent?
We do know that accidents can happen at any time but prevention is better than cure! Here are a few ways through which you can stop termites.
- Fix all the plumbing and leaking taps, and pipes.
- Keep your vents free from blockages to keep the humidity low, and making the environment less hospitable to termites
- Avoid wood or wood surfaces from coming in direct contact with soil.
- Remove the plants from your surroundings that are in bad health as they can invite the termites to be their guests,
- Make sure your drainage system is in good shape and always check regularly that your entire property vulnerable to termites is moisture-free.
Wrapping Up
If you notice any of the above-mentioned signs even after taking all the preventive measures ten please contact an expert to control the situation.
Tags: Termite Control, Termite Extemrinator, Termite Inspection